
I would like to annouce here a new book for French Python programmers:

"Programmation Python" at Eyrolle's

It contains, beside a syntax review and a presentation of builtins
and some modules from the standard library -- yes nothing very new here,
but my prompt examples are very funny--,  chapters about test-driven
development, object-oriented patterns and best practices.

My book is for people who already know how to write programs, no matter the language.
and want to learn Python, or for Python beginners.

The book contains a lot of hidden jokes so you should get it
English speaking programmers should get it too: it's a very pleasant way to learn french.

Enough marketing. -> More infos on its dedicated website: http://programmation-python.org

Best regards,

Tarek Ziadé

Tarek Ziadé | Association AfPy | www.afpy.org
Site personnel | http://programmation-python.org

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