I'd like to see the use of Python grow as dramatically as it deserves to. As I see it, there are at least three major categories of web visitors that we need to cater to: - Existing python users - Potential python users - Managers
The current site's front page seems to be aimed mainly at existing python developers. I agree with Magnus about not specifying who should be interested in a particular page. The most effective web marketing of an Open Source development tool recently has probably been http://www.rubyonrails.org/. I think the link on the front page to a very slick coding video demonstration helped a lot there. Do we have anything like that for Python yet? TurboGears (http://www.turbogears.org/index.html) seems to have captured the same spirit of exciting marketing hype. They are both very cool tools as well, but so is Python. Can we adapt any of the techniques they use for the Python website? Hope that helps, Bruce -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list