I like the design, though I'd prefer stronger colors. I think it would be a major improvement except for the logo.
I agree with others that the logo is a serious disappointment. Although the symmetry has some initial appeal, I do not see or want to see a two-ness about Python, and I find it disturbing and distracting even without the vague cruciform aspects. In fact, just keeping the top snake would be MUCH better. I want a logo I can be as enthusiastic about as I am about the language, but it will be hard to get unanimity about that, and I can certainly see the need to compromise. Still it's my impression that this one is a big mistake. Unlike, say, the Sun logo which I enjoy looking at (and of which this is a cheap ripoff), this is like the Microsoft Office logo, which I find explicitly off-putting, raising negative associations. I might be convinced that its wrongness will outweigh all the remaining benefits of the redesign. Good: http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/PLANET/summer-school-02/sun-logo-new.GIF Makes you think of cleverness, symmetry, networking, collaboration, energy. It reinforces my positive feelings toward this company. Bad: http://www.genbeta.com/archivos/images/logo_office_2003.jpg Makes you think about petty politics, imbalance, who gets the window office, injustice, asymmetry, deformity. I detest this logo, and it reinforces my avoidance of this company. Bad: http://beta.python.org/images/python-logo.gif Nice font on the text, but the image raises: What is that animal? Is it a snake? If it is, why is it so short? Why are there two of them? Or is it one snake with two heads? Ewww. Why is one facing backwards and the other upside-down? Is that a crucifix? Why would someone make a cross out of snakes? These are people to avoid. Very unsatisfactory, sorry. mt -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list