Magnus Lycka informs: > [in response to my comment]: > > I see how I missed this. Neither disable_.. or enable_.. have document > > strings. And neither seem to described in the optparser section (6.21) > > of the Python Library ( > >
Hmmm. A couple things are a little odd about this. First "Other methods" seems to be a grab-bag category. A place to put something when you don't know where-else to put it. The section called: "Querying and manipulating your option parser" seems closer. Better I think if the title were changed slightly to Querying, manipulating, and changing the default behavior of your option parse Second, oddly I can't find this section "Other Methods" in the current Python SVN source Doc/lib/liboptparse.tex. Best as I can tell, that file does seem to be the section documenting optparse. --