In your opinion where could i found a valid implementation of udp send/receive?
2006/1/23, Eric Brunson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This is a reasonably simple thing to do. The specifications sound
remarkably like a homework program I might assign in a basic network
programming class, but even if it isn't a school assignment, your
request is so broad you need to do a little background reading before we
can offer more specific help.
Start by reading the Python manual section 11.16
( which covers the
base SocketServer classes. There's a simple Threading mix-in class that
can be included to get your threaded model.
If you read that, try to write some code and then have more specific
questions, then post back and I'll see if I can help further.
Sbaush wrote:
> Hi all.
> In my application I have to do implement a lot of networking in python
> My application can create with a GUI a XML file in a string.(and now
> my application can do it wow!!)
> This string has to be sended to another host. i need a python
> application that send this string via UDP.
> The packet of this communication is |int|payload| where payload is the
> XML string.
> After the send my application has to wait for a response and has to
> receive response.
> For the heaven it should be implemented with separated thread. A
> thread send/receive while another indipendent thread do same.
> Have you any ideas to do it more simply as possible?
> What is the best way to di it??
> What is the best way to thread programming in python?
> Thanks all for your help with me!
> --
> Sbaush
> --
> Sbaush
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