yawgmoth7 wrote:
> Hello, I am writing a script that will organize all the code in the
> given directory. Well, currently I have it make dir's with something
> like:
> os.mkdir("C")
> os.mkdir("Python")
> os.mkdir("ASM")
> And so on. That is not very practical, and I wish to change it. I was
> wondering if there were any other methods to which I could do this, I
> was thinking maybe I could put the dir names in a dictionary then have
> something like:
> os.mkdir(thedictname)
> This doesn't sound like it would work, maybe with a bit of tweaking to
> my idea. So, anyone that has any idea's on how I could do this...that
> would be great...
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> gurusnetwork.org
> Gurus'Network - Are you a guru?

Assuming something in the standard library doesn't do this already 
(shutils, os, os.path)

import os

def mkdirs(pths):
   for pth in args:

mkdirs(["C","Python, "ASM"])

Is that what you mean?

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