pycraze wrote:
> Surely adopting the above method is much better than what i have
> approached earlier . The main reason i did adopt this exercise was when
> i have to marshal a 20 - 40 MB above file to the disk , the
> simple load of the will sky rocket my virtual memory
> consumption.
>       I was bit troubled with this bottleneck , so i wanted to do some
> research before i come to some conclusions .
> Anyways , i really appreciate ur enthusiasm to helping me come to a
> conclusion
> Dennis
I'd be interested to know what other languages you have tested with 
20-40MB source files, and what conclusions you have arrived at about 
them. Particularly since your initial conclusion about Python was 
"dictionaries are weird and each entry uses approximately 1kB" :-)
Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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