Hi Folks, I’m getting the following error from my web server
(httpd on linux): “malformed header from script. Bad header=<html>:
htmllib.cgi The script I’m running is a Python script as follows: #!/usr/bin/python def
openDocument( ): print """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">"""; def openHTML(
): print "<html>"; def closeHTML(
): print "</html>"; def openHead(
): print """<head>\n\t<meta
charset=utf-8\">"""; def closeHead(
): print "</head>"; def openBody(
): print "<body>" def closeBody(
): print "</body>"; def
title(string=""): print "\t<title>%s</title>" % string; def
p(string="", align="left", fontSize=3): print "<p align=%s><font
size=%d>\n%s\n</font></p>" % (align, fontSize, string); def br( ): print "<br>"; if(__name__ ==
"__main__"): #openDocument(); openHTML(); #openHead(); #title("Test Page"); #closeHead(); openBody(); p("this is a test. this is a
test. this is a test. this is
a test. this is a test. this
is a test. this is a test. this
is a test. this is a test. this
is a test.", "center", 4); closeBody(); closeHTML(); It gives the same complaint if I’ve got openDocument
and/or openHead uncommented. The script is executing otherwise the error wouldn’t
show up in the error_log with specific text from the script. Also, I’ve
run the script and redirected it’s output to an
.html file and the server loads it with no problems. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks, Character TD R!OT Pictures |
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