"funkyj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I love pexpect because it means I may never have to use expect again (I
> don't do any heavy expect lifting -- I just need simple tty control)!
> As a python advocate I find it embarassing how difficult it is do the
> following in python (without pexpect):
> - logon to a remote system using ssh
> - do an 'ls' and exit the remote shell
> - print the output from the remote shell session.
> pexpect, of course, makes this childs play (see the pexpect sshls.py
> example for one way to do this).
> I'm surprised that, as useful as pexpect is, it has not been included
> in the standard python library.  How can we get this wonderful package
> in the standard library?
> TANGENT: it would be nice if python included a standard "tarfile
> install" program to make installing 3rd party packages like pexpect
> easier.
>    bash $ pinstall_tarfile   foo-pkg.tgz
> This install program would
> + look at your sys.path for a suitable install directory
> + check for appropriate directory permissions
> + check whether the tarfile extracts to the CWD or a subdir
>   (the rest of the script is adjusted accordingly -- assume subdir
>   behavior).
> + tell the user where you plan to install the package.  confirm
>    that this is OK.
> + extract the tarfile and create/update the foo.pth file.
> Perhaps such an install script is already in the standard python
> library and I just haven't stumbled across it?

any special reason why pexpect cannot ship with a standard distutils
setup.py file (or even egg support) ?



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