The IN statement logic is a good mind exercise if there are multiple parameters that needed to be brought in. Below is the code that fixed the LIKE statement logic where you needed an ADO parameterized query used. Apparently the percent signs don't have to be referenced anywhere in the code, as my tests ran successfully without them:
------------------------------------------------- import win32com.client from adoconstants import * conn = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection') conn.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local);Database=myDB;Trusted_Connection=yes;" conn.Open() if conn.state == adStateOpen: print "Connected to database..." else: print "Not connected!" exit cmd=win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Command') cmd.ActiveConnection=conn name = '@fname' value = 'raj' param=cmd.CreateParameter(name, adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, value) cmd.Parameters.Append(param) cmd.CommandText = "SELECT first, last FROM myTable WHERE first like ?" cmd.CommandType = adCmdText (rs, dummy) = cmd.Execute() rowCount = 0 while not rs.EOF: print rs.Fields('first').Value, rs.Fields('last').Value rowCount=rowCount+1 rs.MoveNext() print "%s records returned." % rowCount rs.Close() --