Obaid R. wrote:
> Steve Holden:
>>The history of this choice is lost in the mists of time. Many other
>>proposals were made and discussed at around the same time, to the extent
>>that it became clear no one choice could win universal approval.
>>You are the first person to my knowledge to point out that it is shaped
>>like a cross. There is no significance in this shape.
>>Is there, I ask with some trepidation, a specific point to this question?
> Thanks for the clarification.
A pleasure.

> I hope it is not counted against me that I am the first one to point
> out that the logo is shaped like a cross. There might be many
> explanations for this; but sooner or later a person with a different
> background than the ones you knew would have likely noted the same.
> With that said, however, none of this affects the point that the logo
> is indeed shaped like I note. (Even the red cross of the International
> Committee of the Red Cross is shaped like a plus sign:
> http://www.icrc.org/).
I suppose someone had to point it out, so the fact that you are the 
first certainly won't be held against you in *this* reader's mind 
anyway. And I cannot deny that the outline of the logo is that of a 
cross - there would be little point denying a simple truth.

> And why ask with any trepidation, Steve? People of different
> backgrounds have dissimilar sensitivities. I hope you agree that it
> would be unfair to blame people for such deeply personal affairs. If
> trepidation on the part of even the Red Cross was enough to cancel such
> sensitivities, we would not have had a Red Crescent or a cooperation
> between them. If not proving one's subscription to some set of beliefs,
> such symbols at least disprove the same for others.
The trepidation was accounted for solely by a concern that Python would 
become involved in any kind of religious controversy, or that someone of 
extreme views might claim that Python was associated with, or against, a 
particular religious belief. Quite apart from the fact that language 
choice should not be a religious issue (:-), you are correct in saying 
that we must be mindful of sensitivities; as I mentioned, the outline of 
the logo hasn't been raised in the year since it was first mooted. I 
hope this doesn't mean we need *two* Python logos!

> I do realize that I have no say in the decisions affecting Python's
> current and future plans. But it makes sense to think that like any
> other marketed product, Python must take into consideration the nature
> of its target audience. And if it is to appeal to international users,
> then points of deep contention are better avoided. Don't you agree? I
> am glad the shape has no significance and I thank you for patience.
Absolutely happy to help. You have as much say in Python's affairs as 
any other user, and are just as entitled to comment. I certainly 
wouldn't want to limit its popularity in any part of the world simply 
because of a poor choice of graphic. Perhaps when a further redesign is 
mooted we can ensure that corners are even more rounded ;-)

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC                     www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006                  www.python.org/pycon/


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