James Stroud wrote:
> I am helping someone write a python script to run their DOS application 
> through an SSH terminal. It seems that this program wants to access a 
> DOS shell and send output there. If running remotely, this causes a 
> problem because it locks up the program. The program seems (to me) to be 
> looking for some non-existant DOS shell to send its output to. How might 
> I emulate this shell (or whatever it is) with python? I have tried 
> several flavors of python (Enthought, ActiveState, etc.). I have tried 
> win32pipe.popen[1-4], and many other things that I can't even remember 
> now. 

What makes you think there's any DOS "shell" involved?  Many DOS 
programs didn't write to stdout, but drew directly into screen memory 
with BIOS calls and such.  Are you sure this is a more generic command 
line program that just writes to "stdout" or the console?



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