Quoth "Klaas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| A PEP for a mutable bytes type was composed but withdrawn two years
| ago:
| Does anyone know if a well-coded and tested implementation of such a
| beast exists now?  Strings make me sad.

I didn't look at the PEPs - PEPs always make me sad - but if you
want to just do it, try something like this

        import array

        class Muto:
                def __init__(self, a):
                        self.data = array.array('c', a)
                def __str__(self):
                        return self.data.tostring()
                def __repr__(self):
                        return repr(self.data.tostring())
                def __getitem__(self, i):
                        return self.data[i]
                def __setitem__(self, i, a):
                        self.data[i] = a

        m = Muto('spam')
        m[1] = 'h'
        print m, [m]

I probably left out a few methods you would want.

        Donn Cave, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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