Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> It runs now, but some things aren't working.
Besides the crashing down, what else? I am very curious.

> When I open a file and
> click on the "browse" tab, I see the current directory. If I then
> double-click on a Python file, I'd expect SPE to open it, but nothing
> happens. Hmmm... and now SPE has crashed. No errors on the terminal,
> but the GUI simply doesn't repaint anymore.
> Sorry mate, it looks like a promising project, but it just doesn't do
> it for me. Way too much hassle for something that crashes on the first
> try.
What does crash on the second try? Any bug that makes SPE crash won't
survive long if reported. So, thanks for the bug report! I fixed it and
the fix is in subversion. If there is anything else you want to have
fixed for next release, just drop a line.

But well.., sorry for all the too much hassle,



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