Charles Krug a écrit :
> List:
> I have this:
> #
> class C(object): pass
> class D(C): pass
> class E(C): pass
> def CSubclasses():
>     for name in dir(): pass
> I'm trying to create a list of all of C's subclasses:
> import classC
> print C
> aList = []
> for name in dir(classC):
>     print name,
>     try:
>         if issubclass(classC.__dict__[name], C):
>             print classC.__dict__[name]
>         else:
>             print
>     except TypeError:
>         print

Where is C defined ?

>>> import classC

does not define the name C in the current scope ... thus, you should write :

for name in dir(classC):
    print name,
        if issubclass(classC.__dict__[name], classC.C):
            print classC.__dict__[name]
    except TypeError:

and it gives :

C <class 'test_subclass.C'>
D <class 'test_subclass.D'>
E <class 'test_subclass.E'>

... which is exactly what you want !


> Which gives me this:
> <class '__main__.C'>
> C
> CSubclasses
> D
> E
> __builtins__
> __doc__
> __file__
> __name__
> However when I do this from the command line:
> True
> but
>>>>issubclass(classC.__dict__['D'], C)
> False
> So my approach is flawed.
> The end result I'm after is an automatically generated dictionary
> containing instaces of the subclasses keyed by the subclass names:
> {'D':D(), 'E':E(), . . . }
> I can see the information I need in the module's __dict__ and by using
> the dir() method, but I'm not having much success extracting it.

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