Op 2006-01-14, Mike Meyer schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> If you
>>> want to argue that the builtin sets should do that, you can - but
>>> that's unrelated to the question of how the comparison operators
>>> behave for the rest of the bulitin types.
>> What I argue is that there is no single order for a specific type.
> I think that depends on your definition of type, but let it go.
>> There can be an order that is most usefull in general but which order
>> is usefull at a specific point depends on the context.
> Yes. So what? Does this fact suggest some change to Python that would
> improve it? If so, you need to mention it. If not, why bring it up at
> all?

I did mention it, you even asked a use case and I gave it. What more
do you want?

Antoon Pardon

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