Scott David Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > bblais wrote: > > How do experienced python programmers usually do it? Is there a > > "usually" about it, or is it up to personal taste? Are there any > > convenient ways of doing these things? > There are a lot of us who use a test-first process:
Yep, I'm one of those ("TDD", "test-driven development", is the acronym -- I think concept and monicker are both due to Kent Beck). I also strive to convince anybody else to do that if I have any stake in the success of their programming -- if they're emacsers, bully for them, but I'm a vi'er myself (I keep telling myself I should learn emacs, but then, I also tell myself I should stop smoking, and I don't actually DO anything about that, either;-), and TDD can be used with any editor or IDE, anyway. Alex --