> http://beta.python.org

In both Mozilla-suite (1.7) and FireFox (1.5), the links on the 
left (the grey-backgrounded all-caps with the ">>" at the right) 
all intrude into the body text.  They're all the same length:

ABOUT>> covers the "T" in "The Official Python..."

NEWS/DOCUMENTATION/DOWNLOAD all intrude into the pyNASA image

COMMUNITY and PYTHON-DEV cover a little more than half of the "W" 
in "What is Python?"

PYTHON-DEV and LINKS cover a bit of the text in the "What is 
Python" section (a the moment, the "P" in the initial "Python" 
and the "R" in Rossum)

The problem persists into other pages as well (such as the 
documentatin page, etc).

Functionality-wise, it works like a charm and other than the 
intrusion of those nav-bar bits, it looks good too.



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