The module can be used with both standard Tkinter and Tix, and makes it
quite easy to e.g. drop a bunch of files from a file manager onto any
Tkinter widget.
It comes with a basic reference manual and a small demo app.
It can be found at

Any feedback is much appreciated.

Best regards



Hi Michael and list,

I tried to run (win XP, Python2.4).

but get:

  File "C:\Documents and Settings\Tim\Bureaublad\installes_pc_mac\programming\python\TkinterDnD-0.4\TkinterDnD\", line 333, in _require
    tkdndver ='package', 'require', 'tkdnd')
TclError: can't find package tkdnd

Probably something went wrong installing tkdnd.
I got the libtkdnd10.dll from but am not so sure where to put it.
The installation section on

'If your platform is Microsoft Windows, then allong with the distribution there is a stubs enabled dynamic library (dll) that was built against tk8.4a1, with the use of VC++ 5.0. If you cannot use the provided binary, then you can always create the required library by using the VC++ project files located in the "win" directory of the tkDND distribution. In all other cases, you should create the library only from the files located in the directories "win" (*.cpp *.h) and "generic" (*.c *.h). You will need a C++ compiler for this.'

wasn't very helpful for me.

Maybe someone can give me a simple howto for installing this?

thank you,


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