
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
> Armin Rigo wrote:
>> We have some procedure now for funding
>>travel costs, although it's admittedly very bureaucratic :-(
> Since next sprint is in Palma de Mallorca I trust I can count on PyPy
> to refund me the money?

If you want to attend the sprint you should contact the mailing list 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For more contact possibilities see


>>Anyway, independently of this, there are some people we are happy to see
>>come back again and again to PyPy sprints even though we know their budget
>>is extremely limited.  We have always arranged things for them to minimize
>>the costs.  It's nothing like a "congress" where you have to pay XXX/day
>>for having water and cake brought to the tables by the staff at 10am.  I
>>can certainly say that attending a PyPy sprint is not expensive at all;
>>I'd expect the major problem to be rather to find a week's free time for
> There seems to have been a relatively inexpensive sprint in Heidelberg.
> So yes sometimes PyPy sprints can be inexpensive. But the associated
> costs if one has to rent a room in a hotel would still make it
> impossible for me to attend.

The trick again was to talk to people: I organized the sprint there and 
found some _very_ inexpensive rooms for several people, so it could have 
worked if you had asked.

> What prompted me to cluster PyPy sprints
> with the expensive stuff was this sprint:
> http://www.trillke.net/images/HomePagePictureSmall.jpg
> Although I can't find pricing info now, I believe that at the time I
> considered the costs involved with the rent of the meeting place
> exorbitant.

Hehe. You could not have been farther from the truth. This is the house 
where Holger Krekel (one of the founders of the PyPy project) lives in, 
together with roughly fifty other people. Accomodation in there was free.

> "I'd even look into PyPy sprint options at Maastricht, so you'd get
> extra value for your money"

We are always looking for places to do sprints, so if you know any venue 
where holding such an event is possible we would be glad if you 
contacted us. Organizing a sprint in your home town is always a 
possibility to have free accomodation at a sprint :-).


Carl Friedrich Bolz


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