In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> "Donn Cave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > So you've had time to think about how you would define value, in a
> > few words.  Any ideas?
> Not yet.  The reason is that I am still trying to figure out
> what a value is myself.  Do all objects have values?  If
> not which do and which don't?  What's the value of int(1)?
> An object?  Some otherwise unreachable thing that
> represents the abstract concept of the number 1?
> What the value of object()?  A few weeks ago I turned
> to that page for enlightenment, with the results I reported.
> > I find the topic difficult, myself.  I think you really have to apply
> > some context to the question, so there may not be any satisfactory
> > definition for the language reference.
> I have a hard time accepting that.  I do not think there
> is any aspect of human thought that cannot be described
> by a sufficiently skilled writer.

But you're asking for more than that.  We're not just talking
about how people think about value, you want a definition that's
suitable for a language reference.  Whereupon you would indeed
run into the kinds of questions you pose above, and more.

> > But maybe it would be simple with the right focus.  If we could somehow
> > define value, how would that help?  I mean, presumably we need to
> > understand all this stuff because we want to write some software, and
> > if we dive in without understanding, our attempts will be plagued with
> > conceptual errors.  Is there something about value in particular that
> > seems to be a problem here?  ``No, you idiot, that's not a value -
> > THIS is a value!''
> Yes, see above.  How can you feel confident working with
> things that aren't understood?  (c.f. this thead about
> problems resulting from python beginner's misconceptions
> about references.)

I'm saying that the definition of value doesn't contribute to
my understanding of my work.  I guess we might say that the
whole point of a computer programming language is a mechanism
for the representation and manipulation of values, and our
task is to understand the mechanism enough to work with it.
That's what the language reference is for.


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