Alex Martelli wrote:

> Anton Vredegoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> However I still maintain that I was never able to meet these fine
>> people you speak about and which you seem to know because the cost
>> involved (a few hundred euro to visit pycon for example) was too high
>> compared to my food budget.
> Europython is cheap to attend, and has been held twice in Charleroi,
> Belgium, for example -- if you're in the Netherlands, you could have
> bycicled there, crashed with somebody (I've seen lots of impecunious
> people offered hospitality that way), and not spent more on food than
> you would by staying in the Netherlands.  You'll have to invent some
> better excuse, to explain why you chose not to attend it.
I already sent some reply via google, got a server error, resent, got a
confirmation that my message was posted, but it doesn't show up and also
there's no way to retrieve my message except fishing in the cache? 

Yesterday I had a post not showing up (in another group) but today it
was there. This makes me feel insecure enough about whether or not my
replies come through via google to start using another provider. It's
not like I'm on a secret google no fly list no? (slightly paranoic) 

Anyway, I'm not typing all that again. Maybe it will show up tomorrow.
The gist of it is that for me a few hundred euros is and was a *lot* of
money, and that this talk about 'cheap to attend' irritates me a lot.


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