Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Known problems" doesn't have URL (isn't "urlable"?) other than
> http://www.mird.org/home/mwm/try_python/. It's on that page - click on

s/mird/mired/ -- the URL as given goes to some 'oxide' thing.

> "Known Problems" to open up the section. That particular problem is

For some reason, I couldn't see the links at the end of the page; now I
can, though they look sort of "ragged", but, OK.

> If you can provide the JavaScript fragment to reliably get Safari to
> put the cursor after all the text in a textarea, I'll fix this
> now.

I'm no Safari expert (and no great shakes at Javascript!), but, I'll ask
around and report back here, thanks.


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