livin wrote:
> I beleive so... I cannot know for sure becasue the models are not 
> separate... they are in the python23.zlib file... I'm no sure how to check 
> the file, it looks as if it is compiled (I'm new to python so forgive my 
> ignorance)

Yes, there should be an re module in your Python distribution, and it 
should have a compile attribute. You can check this from the python 
intepreter easily:
  >>> import re
  >>> re.compile
<function compile at 0x008FE0B0>

What I am suggesting is that YOU may have created a module named re that 
Python is finding instead of the system module by that name. In this 
case your module doesn't have a compile attribute. This would cause the 
error you see.


> "Kent Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>livin wrote:
>>>my log...
>>>INFO urllib.urlopen('', 
>>>urllib.urlencode({'Action': 'hs.ExecX10ByName+Kitchen+Lights%2C+On 
>>> INFO   File "Q:\python\python23.zlib\", line 78, in urlopen
>>>INFO   File "Q:\python\python23.zlib\", line 159, in open
>>>INFO   File "Q:\python\python23.zlib\", line 957, in splittype
>>>INFO AttributeError
>>>INFO :
>>>INFO 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'
>>That line reads
>>        _typeprog = re.compile('^([^/:]+):')
>>Do you have a module named 're' that is shadowing the library module of 
>>the same name?

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