>> In fact, googling for "referer" and "referrer" reports a similar >> number of hits, unlike most misspellings.
Terry> You know, I almost mentioned that myself. Drives me crazy. Me too. I'm one of those people who, for better or worse, is a good speller. Words just look right or wrong to me and it bothers me when they look wrong. Terry> One thing I've figured out is that using the full spelling Terry> of a word instead of groovy programmer abbreviations makes Terry> it a lot easier to remember the names of things. Of course, Terry> like everything, that can be taken too far, so I still use Terry> things like "bkg_clr" too. Old habits are hard to break. I do tend to be a bit brief with my names and recognizing an identifier as an abbreviation don't bother me the way a misspelled word does. Maybe I've been using Unix systems for too long with their brief command names like mv and grep. I prefer not to write big_honkin_long_names any more than I have to either. Skip -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list