On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

>> The whole point of using izip is to make the code shorter, more 
>> concise, and easier to write and understand.
> That should be the point of using anything in Python.  The specific goal 
> for izip() was for an iterator version of zip().  Unfortunately, neither 
> tool fits your problem.  At the root of it is the iterator protocol not 
> having an unget() method for pushing back unused elements of the data 
> stream.

An unget() isn't absolutely necessary - another way of doing it would be a 
hasNext() method, as in Java, or a peek(), which gets the next item but 
doesn't advance the iterator.

Here's some code (pardon the old-fashioned functional style in the 
iter_foo methods):

import operator

class xiterable(object):
        """This is an entirely abstract class, just to document the
        xiterable interface.

        def __iter__(self):
                """As in the traditional iterable protocol, returns an
                iterator over this object. Note that this does not have to
                be an xiterator.

                raise NotImplementedError
        def __xiter__(self):
                """Returns an xiterator over this object.

                raise NotImplementedError

class xiterator(xiterable):
        """This is an entirely abstract class, just to document the xiter

        The xiterable methods should return self.
        def hasNext(self):
                """Returns True if calling next would return a value, or
                False if it would raise StopIteration.

                raise NotImplementedError
        def next(self):
                """As in the traditional iterator protocol.

                raise NotImplementedError
        def peek(self):
                """Returns the value that would be returned by a call to
                next, but does not advance the iterator - the same value
                will be returned by the next call to peek or next. If a
                call to next would raise StopIteration, this method
                raises StopIteration.

                raise NotImplementedError

def xiter(iterable):
        if (hasattr(iterable, "__xiter__")):
                return iterable.__xiter__()
                return xiterwrapper(iter(iterable))

class xiterwrapper(object):
        def __init__(self, it):
                self.it = it
        def hasNext(self):
                return hasattr(self, "_next")
        def next(self):
                        cur = self._next
                        return cur
                except AttributeError:
                        raise StopIteration
        def peek(self):
                        return self._next
                except AttributeError:
                        raise StopIteration
        def advance(self):
                        self._next = self.it.next()
                except StopIteration:
                        if (hasattr(self, "_next")):
                                del self._next
        def __xiter__(self):
                return self
        def __iter__(self):
                return self

def izip_hasnext(*xiters):
        xiters = map(xiter, xiters)
        while True:
                if (reduce(operator.and_, map(hasnext, xiters))):
                        yield tuple(map(getnext, xiters))
                        raise StopIteration

def hasnext(xit):
        return xit.hasNext()

def getnext(it):
        return it.next()

def izip_peek(*xiters):
        xiters = map(xiter, xiters)
        while True:
                z = tuple(map(peek, xiters))
                map(advance, xiters)
                yield z

def peek(xit):
        return xit.peek()

def advance(xit):
        return xit.advance()

Anyway, you get the general idea.


I am the best at what i do.

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