In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Christoph Zwerschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Dickinson wrote:
> > Here's a variant of André's brilliant idea that's
> > 119 characters long, and fully printable:
> > 
> > j=''.join;seven_seg=lambda z:j(j('   _  | |_ _|_|'
> > [ord('^r|=Zm.:v\r'[int(a)])%u*2:][:3]for a in z)
> > +"\n"for u in(3,7,8))
> You have an escaped CR (\r) as the last character in your string.

Which is perfectly printable.

> Here is a 118 character fully printable variant without the \r:
> j=''.join;seven_seg=lambda x:j(j('   _  |_|_ _| 
> |'[ord('^rm=3|4:s»'[int(c)])%d*2:][:3]for c in x)+"\n"for d in(3,8,7))
> Note that there is only one non-ascii character in the code.

Which isn't. So I'm not sure what the point is you're trying to make.


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