> I'm trying to figure out dictionaries using the documentation. Clicking
> on "dictionary type" takes me to "2.3.8 Mapping Types -- classdict". Is
> that the documentation for the dictionary type? If so, I do not see an
> "append" or "add" or "insert" method defined in the list of methods on
> that page.
> Here's what they list:
> Operation Result Notes
> len(a) the number of items in a
> a[k] the item of a with key k (1)
> a[k] = v set a[k] to v
> del a[k] remove a[k] from a (1)
> a.clear() remove all items from a
> a.copy() a (shallow) copy of a
> a.has_key(k) True if a has a key k, else False
> k in a Equivalent to a.has_key(k) (2)
> k not in a Equivalent to not a.has_key(k) (2)
> a.items() a copy of a's list of (key, value) pairs (3)
> a.keys() a copy of a's list of keys (3)
> a.update([b]) updates (and overwrites) key/value pairs from b (9)
> a.fromkeys(seq[, value]) Creates a new dictionary with keys from seq
> and values set to value (7)
> a.values() a copy of a's list of values (3)
> a.get(k[, x]) a[k] if k in a, else x (4)
> a.setdefault(k[, x]) a[k] if k in a, else x (also setting it) (5)
> a.pop(k[, x]) a[k] if k in a, else x (and remove k) (8)
> a.popitem() remove and return an arbitrary (key, value) pair (6)
> a.iteritems() return an iterator over (key, value) pairs (2), (3)
> a.iterkeys() return an iterator over the mapping's keys (2), (3)
> a.itervalues() return an iterator over the mapping's values (

Yup, that's it. The 3rd item in the list is what you're (probably -
I'm practicing my mindreading here, since you didn't say what you were
trying to do) looking for.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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