Neil Benn wrote: > Hello, > > I know that this isn't a fashionable thing to write on a > dynamic language newsgroup but I would really recommend switching to > Java for your work if you are looking at recoding it. I'm running Java > on handhelds and it works well. If you want to use dynamic languages > then you can use Jytjon, there is an unofficial port of Jython for > Personal Profile - I'm not sure how robust it is but you could take a > look at that. > > > Cheers, > > > Neil
I was thinking this to myself as well, as Java should be available for most of these platforms. It's just that I don't really want to use Java unless I'm absolutely forced to :-) Can't help it coming from scripting languages like Perl and Ruby, plus toying around in Smalltalk. I'm sure that Python would be useful to pick up too, if I have the time and effort. It seems as if the libraries available for Python are considerable compared to other languages. Everyone's responses are appreciated for sure in this thread. The web browser idea is a good one too, as my GUI isn't that sophisticated, and I could get away implementing it as a basic one-page-at-a-time web app. Just have to research how to pull off all of the XMLRPC calls from within the web page coding. Should be interesting how I can pull all of this off! --