Jay wrote: > ok have this program and i set a socket 2 connect to the server...so i > can chat on the channels and stuff. my question is how would i go about > set a socket directly 2 an individual query?
Don't take this the hard way, but this question doesn't make sense, and your source code does neither. It's riddled with inconsistencies and errors, and I can only barely grasp the fundamental concept behind it... Anyway, before taking on a project of this size I'd recommend you to do something smaller in Python and get yourself aquainted with the language (and maybe programming in general). Python is a language with a shallow learning curve, but still you must master several things such as classes/instances/everything is an object/docstrings are string before being able to programm successfully. Why not start with the tutorial at www.python.org and work your way up from there? --- Heiko. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list