> What did you expect? There are two interpretations to this Microsoft's JavaScript doc problem:
1. They didn't do it intentionally. 2. They did it intentionally. If (1), then it would be a fucking incompetence of inordinate order. If (2), they would be assholes, even though they have the right to do so. On the other hand, in terms of documentation quality, technological excellence, responsibility in software, Microsoft in the 21st century is the holder of human progress when compared to the motherfucking Open Sourcers lying thru their teeth fuckheads. Xah [EMAIL PROTECTED] ∑ http://xahlee.org/ -------------------------------------- Xah Lee wrote: sometimes in the last few months, apparently Microsoft made changes to their JavaScript documentation website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/scri... so that, one has to goddamn press the "expand" button to view the documentation, for every goddamn page. What the fuck is going on? And, good url before the change are now broken (giving HTTP error 404). Many of the newfangled buttons such as "Copy Code" doesn't goddamn work in Safari, FireFox, iCab, Mac IE. And, in any of these browsers, the code examples becomes single congested block without any line breaks. e.g. «Circle.prototype.pi = Math.PI; function ACirclesArea () { return this.pi * this.r * this.r; // The formula for the area of a circle is r<SUP>2</SUP>. } Circle.prototype.area = ACirclesArea; // The function that calculates the area of a circle is now a method of the Circle Prototype object. var a = ACircle.area(); // This is how you would invoke the area function on a Circle object.» -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list