Op 2005-12-19, sir_alex schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello everybody! I have a couple of questions about threads: the first
> is, is there the possibility to cancel a thread while it is executing
> (like the C function thread_cancel),

You can have one thread raise an exception in an other thread.
Read my answer in the "thread and alarm" thread.

> for implementing something like an
> "abort" button? And the second is, i have a GUI in which there's a
> button that launches a thread implemented using the threading module
> (creating a class which inherits from threading.Thread and overriding
> __init__ and run), i chose to use threads to avoid the problem of
> freezing my windows, but after i call classobject.start() this happens:
> if i then call classobject.join(), then the button is freezed, because
> now the button waits the end of the thread,

Well you ask the main thread to wait for the other thread to finish.
So that is normal behaviour.

> if i don't make this call
> the button releases itself (that is a good behavior) but the thread
> freezes until i give a ctrl-c in the console from which i launched my
> app. So, how can i make my button release while the thread is
> executing? (my GUI is implemented in GTK and i use libglade) (sorry for
> the length of this post...)

Some questions.

1) Did you call gtk.gdk.threads_init() ?

2) Did you call gtk or gtk.gdk calls from an other thread?

3) Are you on windows of linux?

Some introductiory text about using threads with gtk is on

However a lot is linux specific.

There is also a mainling list for pygtk users. You can subscribe


Antoon Pardon

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