
The worksheet is currently opened in Excel.
And I want to read the data from the excel worksheet.
Instead of looping through the entire worksheet, I want to limit the looping
to the rows and columns used so far!

Thanks and regards,

"Steven D'Aprano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Anand wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > How can I find the number of active columns and rows used in an excel
> > sheet?
> > What I mean is how can i find the last column and row or cell position,
> > where the data is stored in an excel sheet?
> Is the worksheet currently open in Excel or OpenOffice,
> and you wish to query the application for that information?
> Or do you want to read the spreadsheet in from a file?
> -- 
> Steven.


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