David Schwartz wrote:
> "Aragorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>>>>>Wrong. The only obligation Microsoft has is to their shareholders.
>>>>>If you genuinely believe that, you are a psychopath.
>>A psychopath is someone who lacks ethics and/or the ability to respect
>>his fellow human being.  They are quite often narcissistic and perverse
>>individuals.  They make good dictators and successful businessmen.
>     You have provided an excellent refutation. A psychopath would say that 
> Microsoft's executives only obligations are to themselves. A psychopath 
> would not consider obligations to fellow human beings important. Believe it 
> or not, from the point of view of a Microsoft executive, shareholders are 
> fellow human beings.
>     DS
In my humble, poorly informed opinion,

Microsoft SUCKS ASS!!! Their business practices are, in my opinion, a 
clinic in power mania. They refuse to rewrite their kluged, swiss cheese 
OS, for fear of a temporary hit to their bottom line. So the world is 
polluted with this insecure, bomb prone OS. Could anyone not suicidal 
imagine trying to run the ISS, or a manned Lunar Base on MS Windows? Of 
course not.



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