I use Komodo now, and love it.  It has all the features you'd expect:
code completion, object browsing, folding, docstring previews etc.  Of
course it's the only full-featured, native and stable Python IDE
currently available for the mac (SPE is close), so my choice is


Martin Miller wrote:
> You might want to also to consider the Komodo IDE from ActiveState (the
> same company that produces ActivePython and hosts the ASPN Cookbook).
> This isn't an endorsement -- I have no experience with it --  but its
> feature set looks good  [see http://activestate.com/Products/Komodo].
> If someone with actual experience using Komodo with Python is
> listening, I'd be very interested in hearing what you think of it or
> other alternatives (I plan on taking a look at PyScripter and any
> others I hear about).


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