Martin Franklin wrote:
> Johhny wrote:
>>I am trying to write a script in python (to replace a perl script with
>>limited functionality). Now I have some issues. Currently I am using
>>the perl to load the file then regex parse certain lines to remove
>>characters (uncomment lines and change variables). I would like to take
>>that into the python script. I have had a look at the module "string"
>>and I dont think its what Im looking for.
>>Here is an example of some text I would like to manipulate
>>#comment here
>>#user_defined_variable = no
>>I would like to make that
>>#comment here
>>user_defined_variable = yes
>>With perl/sed Its very easy, However Im having issues to do it in
>>python. Any advice would be great.
> forget regular expressions for this job... strings have methods in
> python so for example:
> for line in file:
>      if line.startswith("#user_defined_variable = no"):
>          line.replace("#user_defined_variable = no",
>              "user_defined_variable = yes")
> ... continue processing file / writing out stuff as you go
> Cheers
> Martin

whoops forgot string methods return the new string.....

for line in file:
      if line.startswith("#user_defined_variable = no"):
          line = line.replace("#user_defined_variable = no",
              "user_defined_variable = yes")


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