Op 2005-12-15, Ed Leafe schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Dec 15, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Lawrence Oluyede wrote:
>>>      So? Am I nuts? Or is this possible?
>> Yes it is, use exec() to turn your string in valid Python code
>> and bind the dynamic function as a method of class Test
>> xx = """def dynamic(self):
>>     print "dynamic", self.testAtt
>> """
>> exec xx
>> class Test(object):
>>      testAtt = "sample"
>>      def normalMethod(self):
>>          print "normal", self.testAtt
>> t = Test()
>> Test.dynamic = dynamic
>> t.dynamic()
>      Thanks! I knew I had done this before. My mistake was that I was  
> setting the exec'd code to the instance, and not to the class. That  
> works, but makes it a function, which doesn't automatically get sent  
> the 'self' reference.

But this will make the function a method to all instances of the class.
Is that what you want? From your first post I had the impression you
only wanted the function to be the method of one particular instance.

Antoon Pardon

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