Alex Martelli wrote: > Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > ... > >>Picking RoR because you want to do the project in Ruby makes sense. >>Picking Ruby because it only has one web framework is as silly as picking >>one Python web framework at random. Just because RoR is the only Ruby web >>framework around doesn't mean it's suitable for every project. > > If you claim there's a web project that's unfeasible to do in Ruby, > you'd better come up with a strong example. If you're making no such > claim, which would be counter to the claims of the Ruby community, then > there aren't gonna be any web projects unfeasible with Rails, either.
Since web programming isn't my bailywick, I'll back off any specific claim about unsuitability. That said, I am always suspicious about such claims of universality in what seems to be a relatively broad field. It seems to me that such claims bear a greater burden of proof. I recall such rhetoric in the early days of Zope. It didn't quite pan out that way. > The multiplicity of frameworks in Python obviously makes the situation > very different: there might well be projects for which Python's quite > suitable IF a fairy godmother pointed you to just the right framework... > but lacking a fairy godmother, you're out of luck. We've got a few fairy godmothers. My question is this: Why doesn't one need a fairy godmother to pick from the set {RoR, Zope, TurboGears, CherryPy, ...}? Or rather, why is "Here's a framework which is the only one to be implemented in a particular language," a good fairy godmother? Why doesn't *that* process take a few months of evaluation? > To put it another way: one reason I love Python is that I strongly > subscribe to the idea that there should preferably be only one obvious > way to do something. Unfortunately, this principle is very badly broken > by the multiplicity of Python web frameworks. Believe me, I'm all in favor of condensing the number of Python web frameworks or making the currently available fairy godmothers better. I'm not arguing against that. It's just that the decision process that you described seemed to me to be flawed. -- Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] "In the fields of hell where the grass grows high Are the graves of dreams allowed to die." -- Richard Harter --