Mondal wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to Peter, now I know how to control an *existing* Windows
> service and how to run a *python script* as a Windows service. Although
> these were really useful, my point was different.
> I have developed a script that monitors a specified folder for changes
> in the files or folders within it. I converted that script to a stand
> alone exe using py2exe. ***Now I would like to run that exe as a
> Windows service***.
> I also intend to create an exe that will retrieve any information
> stored by the file monitor mentioned above.
> Please tell me how do I go about it.
> Although I am a beginner in Python and Windows Services (Daemon), I am
> a moderately experienced programmer.
I'm afraid that you can't just run any old executable as a Windows service.

If something is going to be run as a service then it has to use the 
Windows service API so it responds correctly to being started and 
stopped, for example, and "pumps" the event queue from time to time.


Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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