[S.Chang wrote] > Anyone knows the difference(s) between the Python binaries from > ActiveState and Python.org?
The responses to this thread so far gave most of the differences. In summary: - On Windows, ActivePython includes the PyWin32 extensions. - ActivePython rolls the core Python docs and a bunch of extra doc bits into one package, as detailed here: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePython/2.4/about.html - We have binary installers for more platforms: win32-x86 linux-x86 macosx-powerpc solaris-sparc solaris-x86 hpux-parisc aix-powerpc (And we'll likely have a few more in the future, in particular macosx-x86 and perhaps some newer 64-bit platforms.) - As Neil pointed out, ActivePython does not currently have SSL bindings (the _ssl module) that python.org's Python builds do. We are currently going through the legal hurdles so that we can include those. I expect that by or before the Python 2.5 timeframe we'll have _ssl in ActivePython. - ActivePython is free, but is not open source so, as Steve mentioned, you need permission if you want to *re-distribute* ActivePython. However, *using* ActivePython is still completely free and using tools like py2exe and py2app to wrap up your scripts and distribute those is fine. - ActivePython provides a Windows "debug" package: a zip of the debug-build libs that you can install into your Python install (python.org installs to as of the next release[1]). This can be useful for some people building debug builds of Python extensions. One of the important things is how ActivePython is NOT different: ActivePython should be fully binary compatible with python.org builds. This is to ensure that 3rd-party extensions built for and tested on one will just work on the other. [BartlebyScrivener wrote] > The ActiveState version lags behind for a month or two in versions, That is occassionaly true, yes, but not always. ActivePython 2.4.2 was, I believe, a few weeks behind. 2.4.0 was released within a day or two. [Neil Hodgson wrote] > It would be helpful if the ActivePython "What's Included" page listed > which parts of the python.org distribution are not included. Good point. I'll update those docs now for the next release. Cheers, Trent (the ActivePython dude at ActiveState) [1] Distributing the Python Windows debug build libs. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-November/057896.html http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-December/058446.html -- Trent Mick [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list