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In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Carl J. Van Arsdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Carl Van Arsdall:
>>> 1.  Who schedules which threads run and when?  Is this something left up 
>>> to the operating system or does python provide a mechanism for this?
>> Strictly OS -- Python provides no control.
>I did some research yesterday, and I'd like some clarification.  So the
>OS handles which thread runs and when, however if one of the python
>processes currently holds the global interpreter lock, when the OS
>switches to a python thread that does not have this lock, this thread
>will do nothing.  Does this sound right?  Ultimately python does
>control what thread runs by controlling the global interpreter lock
>although its the underlying OS that handles all the context switching

No.  Python simply uses a standard OS thread lock.  When a Python thread
gives up the GIL, the OS decides which thread acquires the lock -- it
could even be the same thread that released the lock.

>Because of this global interpreter lock does this mean its impossible to 
>get speed up with threading on multiple processor systems?  I would 
>think so because only one python thread can execute at any one time.  Is 
>there a way to get around this?  This isn't something I need to do, I'm 
>just curious at this point.

You either need to run multiple processes or run code that mostly calls
into C libraries that release the GIL.  For example, a threaded spider
scales nicely on SMP.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

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