> I just started messing with programming and started with Python.  Part
> of my first project deals with translating numerical values to letters.
> I would like to be able to do the reverse as well, letters to numbers,
> sort of a table for lookup and a table for reverse lookup.  I thought
> that a dictionary would be the structure to use- write it once and in a
> second instance swap the keys for values and values for keys.  However,
> reversing a dictionary does not seem to be easily achieved.  Am I using
> the wrong data structure?

There may be a better solution to your original problem (if you post 
more details Im sure there will be plenty of suggestions), but the 
following should reverse a dictionary..

 >>> testdict = dict(a=1, b=2)
 >>> reversedict = dict( (value, key) for key, value in 
testdict.iteritems() )

Will McGugan
"".join({'*':'@','^':'.'}.get(c,0) or chr(97+(ord(c)-84)%26) for c in 

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