Christopher Subich wrote:
> Doesn't work; duck typing is emphatically not subclass-typing.  For this 
> system to still work and be as general as Python is now (without having 
> to make all variables 'object's), we'd need true interface checking. 
> That is, we'd have to be able to say:
> implements + like int: a
> or somesuch.  This is a Hard problem, and not worth solving for the 
> simple benefit of checking type errors in code.
> It might be worth solving for dynamic code optimization, but that's 
> still a ways off.

Correct, but he's just trolling you know. What he suggests isn't
static typing, and he knows it. It gives all the rigidity of static
typing with only a tiny fraction of the claimed benefits, but it would
give a hefty performance penalty.

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