TwistyCreek wrote:
> Peter Decker wrote:
>>On 12/13/05, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>Why this need to have everyone do things the way you do?
>>>Whatever makes you think I have this need? I said I hated them. I'm
>>>pretty sure I didn't say everyone should have to use them.
>>Sorry, but there is a world of difference between saying "I prefer X over
>>Y" and "Yes, Y is evil". And unless English is a second language for you,
>>it's insulting to imply a difference between calling something evil and
>>agreeing with someone who did, even if you added a smiley.
>>This is a 'discussion' list. Nothing kills discussion faster than zealots
>>who call those who disagree with them evil or idiots or clueless n00bs.
> Except maybe anal retentive prats who argue semantics to cover up the fact
> that they wouldn't know a for loop from a foreskin.
> And by the by... visual tools ARE evil. <nfgaa>
> It's like your dad getting his drunken bar buddies to plow your mother
> [...]  in a puddle of his own urine.
And that's quite enough of that, thanks.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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