On 12/13/05, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > A GUI builder is more pleasant to work with, at least
> > with a good one like Delphi or Qt designer.
> That is your opinion, and I'm sure it's true for you. It isn't true
> for me.

Why, then, do you disparage those who like to do things differently?
Why label visual tools as "evil"? Why this need to have everyone do
things the way you do?

This sounds a lot like the tabs vs. spaces argument, or the emacs vs.
every other editor argument, in that one side seems to feel that "to
each his own", while the other side has a religious zealotry about
them that compels them to want to enforce their preferences on

You like to write code? Great! Someone else like to use a visual
designer? Great! Just realize that UI created with visual tools can be
crap, and so can UIs written with raw code. Making fun of people whose
preferences are different than yours only makes you look insecure.


# p.d.

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