Martin v. Löwis wrote:
  > Not only that (but also). In addition, it also contains modules that
> were previously implemented as separate .pyd files (_csv, _sre,
> _symtable, _winreg, datetime, mmap, parser).
> I previously said that I would do such a thing if somebody provided a
> specification other than "split out the encodings". I.e. write a PEP
> that specifies how to determine whether an extension module should be
> included into pythonxy.dll, and when it should not; this specification
> should allow to reason about modules that haven't yet been contributed.

Thanks Martin!  As the python24.dll now contains modules and codecs that 
weren't linked into the DLL before 2.4 and as we now need a PEP to have 
them split out again, I assume there was a PEP to have them included for 
2.4?  Can you point me to that PEP so I can evaluate writing a new PEP 
to reverse it?

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