Jacob Kroon wrote:
> I'm writing a block-diagram editor, and could use some tips about
> writing/reading
> diagrams to/from an xml file format. The basic layout of my code :
> class Diagram {
>     Blocks blocks[]
> }
> class Block {
>     int x, y
> }
> class Square(Block) {
>     int width, height
> }
> class Circle(Block) {
>     int radius
> }
> I'd like to be able to output something similar to this:
> <diagram>
>     <square x='12' y='34' width='50' height='40'/>
>     <circle x='40' y='60' radius='20/>
> </diagram>


> Anyone have a good idea on how to approach this problem ?
> (I do not want to use the pickle module)

How about an XML pickle?  PyXML has such a module.  WDDX, also in
PyXML, is another option.

Uche Ogbuji                               Fourthought, Inc.
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