> Gene
> Thanks for your kind email.  I am a newbie web developer that just was
> hoping
> *any* framework was bubbling to surface to standout amongst all the
> rest.
> I don't know /why/ Rails is getting buzz.  I've just heard some good
> things
> about it but don't want to switch to Ruby.
> My main goal is to support any framework that looks like it has a
> chance
> of taking over the marketspace Rails is competing in.  Hence, I want
> to avoid any "also rans" aka "Yet Another Python Web Framework".
> Chris

I realized the first line of my post was pretty evil.  *Don't* look at
the slashdot (200+k lines of perl).  What i suggested to a friend who
recently asked the same thing is to pull up tags like "rails python" in
del.icious, furl and digg, see what other people like.  That's a pretty
good way to measure buzz, actually.  (My friend chose PHP, even tho i
told him he'd have unmaintainable, easily defaced code.)


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