Tom Anderson wrote:

>>I think to be effective, I need to use TCP_NODELAY, and manually 
>>buffered transfers.
Because of the big delays when sending small messages (size < 1500 bytes).

>Personally, i'd steer clear of doing it like this, and try to use an 
>existing, language-neutral generic marshalling layer. XML and ASN.1 would 
>be the obvious ones, but i wouldn't advise using either of them, as 
>they're abominations. JSON would be a good choice:
I need to send Python objects too. They are too elaborate to convert 
them to XML. (They are using cyclic weak references and other Python 
specific stuff.) I can be sure that on both sides, there are Python 
programs. Is there any advantage in using XML if I already need to send 
Python objects? Those objects cannot be represented in XML, unless 
pickled into a CDATA string.

>And didn't get much in the way of answers. Someone did point to this, 
Hmm, this was very helpful. Thank you!



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