Hey folks, some time ago i started searching the web for some tools i would like to have at my disposal. I found some high quality examples, but there was always something i disliked, for instance licensing terms.
Then i started my own one. I would like to share them with the comunity. It is composed of a set of libraries and utilities. For now i am starting with python programming and would like to have my library embed into it. I believe, sincerely, the library delivers special values like: correctness, portability and paramount performance. Since i have no knownledge on python internal, i wonder if there could be someone, kindly enough, that would like to join efforts with me towards such goals. Here is a small description of some of the library facilities: abf: high performance I/O routines acd: an DJB CDB replacement cdm: library for embeding acd database building facilities inside tools. afl: library for writing event record utilities aat: O(log n) prioriy queue scheduler. dht: dynamic extensible hashing (per-ake implementation), very versatile, you can use it with any data structure you want. One very important feature is that they are very, very small memory footprint. If you think it is interesting, let me know. I would be very glad joining efforts. thanks in advance. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list